Since the soul of man was birthed in flesh and blood, the complexities of the flesh came into existence. These complexities that aroused within the creation of the flesh man, that house the soul, brought with it that which has been taught down through the ages as sin and separation from the Creator.
This brings us to the subject of sin. Many things we have been taught and have become acclimated to as sin is not necessarily sin. We have all heard it said that sin is missing the mark, however, what is that mark? Sin is missing the mark. Sin is missing the mark of being restored back into the likeness of the Creator. Sin is transgression of the Divine Laws of Life. Sin is accepting and walking as antichrist with a beastly unregenerate mind and an animalistic selfish nature. Sin is walking in error.
When one error, they must suffer the consequences of the error made. The consequences are meted out under the auspices of Spirit as She indiscriminately react and enact non-prejudicially, to the spoken or unspoken (thought) word or command one invoke or release. The error is not against the Most High, it is against that one’s own soul!
When one error, they must suffer the consequences of the error made. The consequences are meted out under the auspices of Spirit as She indiscriminately react and enact non-prejudicially, to the spoken or unspoken (thought) word or command one invoke or release. The error is not against the Most High, it is against that one’s own soul!
There are errors that bring consequences of a spiritual death and errors not of a spiritual death. Either way, “whatsoever a man sows that shall he reap”—that is Divine Law!
Scripture speaks of two resurrections but it also speaks of two deaths. Without a doubt they are both interconnected. Revelation says, “Blessed and holy is the one who has part in the first resurrection; over these the second death has no power but they will be Priests of G-D and (they will be that of a) Christ’”.
Missing the mark is indicative of one worshiping their own beastly unregenerate mind. These are opponents of Truth who worships the beast having received its mark. “They have the mark on their forehead and upon their hands.” In other words, such a one has not died the first death, which includes a crucifixion of their own self-will, mind and emotions. They think and do their own thing in disobedience to the Laws, Will and Way of of the Most High. Therefore, they are antichrist and have not come into the knowledge of the resurrection into life as a Christ.
This is the greatest error against the soul of mankind—to receive the mark, name or number of the beast. The consequences are to experience a second death. This second death will place one in shoel. However, to they who overcome, the image and mind of the beast, shall inherit a new heaven and a new earth and they will be called the Sons of G-D. “he who overcomes, and keep My deeds until the end, I will give authority from the Father…I will make a ‘pillar’ in the Temple…I will grant to sit on My throne”.
Creation of the soul occurred before the formation of the Universe. The creation of the soul of mankind is the conduit or vessel that was created perfect. That creation is I AM. I AM perfected in the soul of man as a perfect Image and Likeness of the Creator. We were created with the DNA of the the Creator. If you are born of the Mother/Father having the Creators DNA, then your soul witnesses to the Light, Love and Truth.
Spirit was impregnated and birthed the Sons with divine DNA. Therefore, their character will shine with the effulgence of the Most High.
Every soul was created with the DNA of the Creator for the purpose of the fleshly body to become perfected in the Fathers Character. This perfecting of flesh is for the sole purpose and in order for mankind to shine as a beacon of light to those who dwell in darkness. Those who walk in darkness walk in error; they error against their own soul!
Spirit was impregnated and birthed the Sons with divine DNA. Therefore, their character will shine with the effulgence of the Most High.
Every soul was created with the DNA of the Creator for the purpose of the fleshly body to become perfected in the Fathers Character. This perfecting of flesh is for the sole purpose and in order for mankind to shine as a beacon of light to those who dwell in darkness. Those who walk in darkness walk in error; they error against their own soul!
As Christ was a pattern, the “Firstborn among many”, he perpetuate that “Golden Thread” DNA of godliness; of righteousness shinning with the brilliance of the Creator. The ChristMan projected the DNA of the Most High, giving mankind an example of how they too can walk in their Christhood of perfection. Therefore, as he is so are we to become. In all that he did, he did in obedience in every aspect to Divine Law and the Will of his Life-Purpose even unto death. His desire was “Lo, I AM come to do thy will O G-D”.
We, however, have gotten caught up in saving others so that we forget about saving ourselves, not realizing that in order for us to help others, we must grow to a point that our very nature expresses our DNA. However, there is a multiplicity of levels of growth and spiritual advancements that the children of righteousness must accomplish in order to reach Sonship. Unless one is able to express their divine DNA, they will be unable to acquire ability and capacity, wisdom and knowledge to Become. When one is able to express their rich lineage of divine DNA, there is a sense of fulfillment and joy when shared with others.
If there is no expression one feels worthless and or inept having only a desire to get and receive, having nothing to share unless they receive. Yet mankind was created with both a desire to receive and give whether it is physical or spiritual.
However, in mankind’s quest to become, they have rejected the very Truth and Mysteries that will help them to overcome the nature of the beast that dwells within. We were acclimated to the traditions of men in staying in the void; that darkness of the 1% we talked about in the message Connectivity Beyond the Mirror. Many are so into working in the community volunteering for this and that thinking their good works and their programs are part of receiving and releasing the Light. Yet, they appease their own longing and non-fulfillment by placating themselves within their self sacrifices of doing good.
However, in mankind’s quest to become, they have rejected the very Truth and Mysteries that will help them to overcome the nature of the beast that dwells within. We were acclimated to the traditions of men in staying in the void; that darkness of the 1% we talked about in the message Connectivity Beyond the Mirror. Many are so into working in the community volunteering for this and that thinking their good works and their programs are part of receiving and releasing the Light. Yet, they appease their own longing and non-fulfillment by placating themselves within their self sacrifices of doing good.
As Christians, many are so into saving others souls, thinking they are performing the “Great Commission”, that they lose connection to the Whole. Everyone wants to save and change the world and those in it. Yet, no one wants to change themselves.
The degree of change in ones nature determines their measure of fulfillment. Once an individual stop thinking within and about themselves, and break out of the box bondage of the 1%, then Truth and Light will transform a particular aspect of them. This transformation will bring them into another level of spirituality, love and light.
Transformation is the purpose of our existence!
In the message Teleios Sons, we talked about the meaning of the word ‘measure’; “These Teleios walk in maturity at the ‘measure’ of their faith. A measure is given to each of us according to our obedience and like faith as we walk from faith to faith into maturity wherever we have been ‘positioned’. Like obedient faith, like measure, like anointing. Like for like!”
We came into this world to change our nature to express the Divinity of the Creator. Life’s Game is not about praying and playing against demons, devil and a satan but one’s own selfish unregenerate nature.
There are Rules and Precepts to this game called Life. If one does not know the rules of the game, how can they play? One can have ability and possess all of the great qualities of the perfect athlete. However, unless they know the game and the rules of the game, they cannot excel at the game or to their level of capability. This is how life in the Universe is…If we do not know, understand or obey the rules, we do one of two things. We either adhere to someone else’s rules or we make up our own.
Our purpose of being transformed is contingent upon us knowing Divine Precepts, Principles and Will for us that we may come into the knowledge of what it takes to receive our inheritance as joint heirs. We then become full grown having received ability to express our measure of Divine DNA.
There are Rules and Precepts to this game called Life. If one does not know the rules of the game, how can they play? One can have ability and possess all of the great qualities of the perfect athlete. However, unless they know the game and the rules of the game, they cannot excel at the game or to their level of capability. This is how life in the Universe is…If we do not know, understand or obey the rules, we do one of two things. We either adhere to someone else’s rules or we make up our own.
Our purpose of being transformed is contingent upon us knowing Divine Precepts, Principles and Will for us that we may come into the knowledge of what it takes to receive our inheritance as joint heirs. We then become full grown having received ability to express our measure of Divine DNA.
Hotep (Peace) Light One Love!
Apostle Rubie James
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